Monday, June 20, 2016


What an insane week! Where do I even start.... Um well my birthday
yesterday was a lot of fun :) I thought I was going to get away with
nobody knowing because the only member who knew wasn't going to be
there at church, but somehow everyone knew and we had a little branch
luncheon after church and everyone sang to me, it was super sweet of
them. For dinner we went to the Ellis's and we had a big celebration
because Easton Ellis got his mission call (he's going to Samoa!) and
was opening that as well. All in all, we had a great day and I
definitely felt very loved! And of course I wanted to thank all of you
for the birthday wishes!
Aside from that, we saw quite a few cool little miracles. First, our
investigator, Donociano (not sure if you remember him, he was the one
who was supposed to be baptized this weekend but disappeared off the
face of the earth) finally called us! So we're meeting with him
tonight and hopefully can set a new date :)
We also had a really spiritual lesson with one of our less active
members which was probably the highlight of my week. It was just so
amazing to feel the spirit so strong and that the lesson was clearly
being guided. It was also cool cause my companion very reluctantly
shared a few thoughts in English (she's learning English so because of
that she doesn't love to talk in our English lessons) and our member
teared up and thanked her for having the courage to speak because what
she shared was exactly what she needed to hear at the moment. I just
love seeing how God is in the details of our lives.
So I guess I'm on a scripture kick now.... I don't really know what
happened, but lately all I want to talk about in my emails is
scriptures. Haha but anyways, I'm sure many of you have read 1 Nephi
3:7 a million times, but I've been pondering on that verse the past
few days, focusing on a part that I've never really paid much
attention to- when Nephi says "I know." It's not just "I think" or I
believe," but it's knowledge. The verse says, "And it came to pass
that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which
the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no
commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for
them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."
I've been asking myself lately whether or not I truly know, without a
doubt, that the Lord will always provide a way for me to accomplish
the things he commands me to do. To be honest, yes, I do doubt that at
times. And it shows, because I don't reach my full potential in a
particular situation when I let that doubt win. But when I truly know
that I can be obedient and do what God has asked me to do because he
will provide a way for me, that's when the miracles happen. And that
doesn't just apply to me and missionary work, it applies to each and
every one of us in our individual lives. So if you don't know that
you're capable of doing something God has commanded you to do, I
promise you that you are. But you can only come to that knowledge
yourself if you put in the study and prayer and faith on your end.
I love you all and hope you have a fabulous week! 
Hermana Lewis 
1. My comp and me 
2. Beautiful part of our drive to st. Helena every day 
3. Hermana Garcia had a little birthday party for me this week since
she was gone Sunday and she had sister Morgan make tres leches for me
and it was TO DIE FOR. 
4. beautiful view, of course 
5. Birthday pic w/ my comp!


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