Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Mis queridos amigos,
I can't believe it's already December! This week flew by, not like
that's anything new though! We're finally getting to know our all our
new investigators and figuring out how to get around healdsburg. We
got lost in the dark many times this week, haha but it was always cool
because it ended up leading us somewhere we needed to be, even though
it wasn't where we planned to be. It's so amazing how God always puts
us in the right place at the right time :)
President asked me to be the sister training leader in our zone this
transfer, so I got to go to mission leadership council this past week.
I got to learn so much and it definitely helped me to be more
motivated as a missionary to be better. We also talked a lot about the
new Christmas initiative that just came out, which I absolutely LOVE!
It helps us so much as missionaries to find people to teach, to get
members involved in missionary work, and to help remind everyone
(myself included!) what the Christmas season really is about. If you
haven't been on the website yet, GO! It's Christmas.mormon.org :) and
if you have, share it with someone else! It is super cool, I promise.
Well I just want you all to know I love you and hope you have a
wonderful week! And that you all remember that Jesus Christ truly is
the reason for the season :) 
Hermana Lewis 

P.S. I'm sending Christmas cards this week so if you still haven't
sent me your address and would like one, please send it to me as soon
as you can! Thanks :) 

1. Our district leader taught about the creation in district meeting
on Tuesday and had us "create" gingerbread houses :) 
2. We played the nail game with one of our families this week, which
is where you have to get a bunch of nails to balance on top of one
nail (it's an object lesson), and this is how they went about it
3. Every year here in rosa, the stake puts on a festival for Christmas
where they have like 400 nativity scenes from places all over the
world, and it is suuuuper cool. So this is me and my comp at the
4. They asked us to be ushers for the musical program 
5. My favorite nativity there- they're all Mooses! Moose? Idk


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